Wednesday 8 September 2010

The top of the hill!


While on placement we used to call Wednesday ‘The top of the hill’ because from here there is only two days until the weekend; which is the bottom of the hill. YAY!

This week has been good and they are starting to listen to me now! Only two children have been given a playtime detention so it is going well. However the children have lost about 9 minutes of Golden Time (this is when the children are given 20 minutes to do what they would like to do – within reason!) due to not following the class rules. But today they got the right to start gaining Golden Time back for good behaviour; they had two lunchtimes in a row with NO bad feedback! But I did tell them they must continue to have good lunchtimes otherwise the right to earn back Golden Time can be taken away. So my fingers are crossed!

However, I am getting a bit stressed and feeling a bit down in the dumps. When on placement I would just walk into the classroom and take over where the teacher had got to. This meant that the children knew exactly what was expected of them. However, I am the teacher so I need to set the behaviour expectations. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am battling on in the hope that it will soon get better.

Another reason for being a bit down is that I am missing uni life more than I though I would. I miss the social bit of it, going out to the pub with a moments notice. I am just too tired to be able to get anywhere or even have a ‘normal’ conversation with anyone! Again this will change as I get more confident with the work/social life balance.

On a better note I feel that most of the children are warming to me and my teaching. I am hearing less of ‘Last year…’ or ‘In year three…’ or ‘Mrs Sullivan…’ which I am liking! Plus one of the parents told me that her child came home singing my praises; now that did cheer me up this morning!

Another thing that is cheering me up is that I have non-contact time all day tomorrow. This is due to the fact that I am an Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) otherwise I would only get half of Thursday. During my non-contact time I will be catching up on paperwork that I have not managed to get done the rest of the week. In the afternoon I will be planning with the other Year 4 teacher for next week. So a nice relaxing but eye-hurting day.

Tomorrow is Thursday so I am seeing the Thursday Gang (such an original name haha) so I will get some contact with people my age, I actually cannot wait!

NB: I am sorry for the grammar mistakes; I am hypocritical teacher as I don’t read over my work…I really must start doing what I preach!

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